Week of April 25, 2018


An Evening of Student-Directed Short Plays April 26-28

This year's One-Acts Festival will be held on April 26, 27, and 28 at 7:00 p.m. in the Black Box Theater and features three student-directed short plays. Additionally, two of these productions will be premieres as they are original scripts written or adapted by MLWGS students. Tickets are $5 and will be available at the door.  Please join us for the following productions:

Clue: The Movie- adapted and directed by Clara Studdard ('18, Richmond)

A Game
- directed by Amarah Ennis ('19, Chesterfield)

- written and directed by Olivia Youmans ('20, Chesterfield)

Please contact maggielwalkerdrama@gmail.com with any questions.


April 30 – May 4, 2018

Stress Less, Laugh More Week is an event designed to provide some fun and relaxation for our students prior to AP exams and the spring SOL assessments. It is being sponsored by Lisa Ebeling, School Psychologist and Paige Hawkins, Activities Director. A committee of students have worked with Mrs. Ebeling and Ms. Hawkins on generating ideas for this event. During lunch, our students can look forward to a Lip Sync Battle, treats at lunch, a visit with therapy dogs, and some other entertaining activities. Please note that in order for students to visit with the therapy dogs on May 4, they MUST have the attached permission form signed by a parent and returned to the school counseling office by May 3. Questions? Contact Lisa Ebeling at lebeling@gsgis.k12.va.us.


Do you have any gently used cotillion or prom dresses? Any outgrown blue blazers, suits, or ties? The Junior Class is sponsoring a community service project in conjunction with Prom. Charterhouse School is a year-round school affiliated with the foster care program at UMFS. The kids at Charterhouse are residents of the Child and Family Healing Program, and their prom is organized by volunteers and outreach programs through UMFS. They rely on donations for prom-wear. The Junior class is sponsoring a prom/cotillion dress (short or long), suit/blazer and tie drive for the kids at Charterhouse School for their prom, which is May 11. There is a rack in the athletic hall for people to put their donations. Please make sure all donations are gently used, clean, and on a hanger. The Junior class will be collecting donations through by May 1. Please consider surveying your kids' closets. These donations make a big difference for the kids at Charterhouse.

Any questions, please contact Michael Schweiker, mschweiker19@gmail.com



The April issue of the Senior Newsletter is now available! Please read for important upcoming deadlines.


Registration for the College Application Boot Camp is open as of April 24! The mission of College Boot Camp is to provide rising seniors the space and time to complete their Common Application (or other application of their choice) before the start of the school year. Boot Camp will be held from August 14-16, 2018. A morning (9 a.m.-12 p.m.) and afternoon (1-4 p.m.) session will be offered. College Boot Camp is an optional fee-based workshop led by the senior counselors. The cost of Boot Camp is $55. Fee waivers are available if paying for Boot Camp would be an obstacle. Please contact Kierstin Streitel in the Counseling Office with any questions. Registration will close on May 31. Registration operates on a “first come, first served” basis, so if you are interested in attending please register ASAP.

Click on the link to register: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/60b0d4fabae28a5fe3-college

More information about College Boot Camp: The MLWGS Senior Counselors will provide a structured curriculum over three, three-hour sessions with specific tips and personal assistance at every step. College Boot Camp is designed to walk students through each section of the Common Application and provide them with the resources to complete each section during the program. A guest speaker will address the essay specifically, and the students should leave the Boot Camp with their Common App primary essay (or other essay of their choice) in a completed draft form. There will be some group discussion, peer editing, quiet individual work time, and one-on-one consultations. The Boot Camp will also touch on college-specific supplements and popular non-Common App applications. Topics can be adjusted based on the needs of the group.


Grandparents and Special Friends Day 

We are happy to report that we had more than a hundred attendees at this year's Grandparents and Special Friends Day, sponsored by the MLWGS Foundation. We loved being able to welcome grandparents who were setting foot in the school for the first time as well as others who were attending for a second, third, fourth, or even eighth time! Some came from as far as Chicago! Thanks go to the Foundation's Events Committee for putting on a beautiful event, to Dr. Lowerre for welcoming all our visitors, and to the Deadbeats for their fantastic performance. You can find pictures from the reception on our Facebook page.

Don't Miss the 2018 Day of the Dragon- Tuesday May 1

On Tuesday, May 1, the Governor's School Foundation is hosting the first ever Day of the Dragon- a full day dedicated to celebrating the good work of the Governor's School and promoting Foundation support. The Foundation will kick off the Day of the Dragon with a special breakfast honoring our newly launched Legacy Circle, which recognizes Foundation contributors who have given more than $25,000 cumulatively throughout the history of the school. Other activities throughout the day include an ice cream social study break for MLWGS students, a phone-a-thon/thank you note writing party after school, and an alumni happy hour that evening under the lights of the Byrd Marquee which will recognize MLWGS! And throughout the day, we will be busy sharing information about the Foundation's many efforts to strengthen the academic experience for our students, and garnering support for our 2017-2018 Annual Fund Campaign.

How can you make the 2018 Day of the Dragon a success?

Make a gift to the 2017-18 Annual Fund Campaign at https://app.etapestry.com/onlineforms/GSGISFFoundationGovernorsS/annualfundgift.html 

Volunteer at the Parent/Student Phone-a-thon/ Thank You Note Writing Party- 3:45- 7:45 pm (contact sstora@MLWGSFoundation.org to volunteer) 

Like the Governor's School Foundation's Facebook Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/MLWGSFoundation/ 

So far this year, the Foundation's 2017-18 Annual Fund Campaign has raised $273,906. 32% of current parents have donated a total of $62,956. In our strongest fundraising years, parent participation has reached 70% so we still have a long way to go! Here is the parent participation by class as of April 10:

Senior: 27%
Junior: 39%
Sophomore: 30%
Freshmen: 33% 

And keep spreading the word! Parent support is critical to our success!