Week of April 18, 2018

RSVP TODAY for Grandparents and Special Friends Day this Friday

Grandparents and Special Friends Day is this Friday, April 20. Please RSVP by close of business TODAY, Wednesday April 18 by either emailing the Foundation Office at events@MLWGSFoundation.org or calling (804) 354-1566.  Grandparents and Special Friends Day is an afternoon event where current students' grandparents (or other special family members and friends) can visit MLWGS and learn a little about our school, take a brief tour, and have a reception with their grandchildren.

Students! The Yearbook staff would LOVE to see pictures of you on Spring Break for use in the Spring Supplement. Whether you traveled, worked, volunteered, or did anything else remotely interesting, we would be grateful for your images of yourself doing anything interesting or in any interesting place. Please go to http://www.hjeshare.com/eShare/?code=MLWGS and upload your images by May 1. Questions? Email Mr. White at mwhite@gsgis.k12.va.us.

On Friday, March 30, 45 Governor's School graduates spoke to current students about life after high school at the 4th biennial Alumni Showcase. Our speakers included a professional distance runner, a paleoanthropologist, a pastry chef, an investment banker, many entrepreneurs, attorneys, and alumni working in the medical field, and many more. Though most of the Foundation's work focuses on serving current MLWGS students and faculty, we also value our work as the school's alumni office, which gives us the opportunity to organize events like this. Many of the alumni who returned to speak expressed that they would be happy to be in touch with any students interested in corresponding about their education and/or chosen career field. A full list of this year's speakers can be found here.

Events like Alumni Showcase are entirely funded by the Foundation's Annual Fund.  So far this year, the Foundation's 2017-18 Annual Fund Campaign has raised $267,348 which is 81% of our $330,000 goal. 32% of current parents have donated a total of $60,767. In our strongest fundraising years, parent participation has reached 70%. Here is the parent participation by class as of April 10: 

Senior: 27%
Junior: 39%
Sophomore: 28%
Freshmen: 32%

Your gift will enrich the MLWGS experience for all student and faculty.


Minji Cho ('21, Chesterfield), violin, and Andrew Shin ('18, Henrico), viola, performed in All State Orchestra April 7, 2018 at the Dominion Energy Center for the Performing Arts under guest conductor, Robert Gillespie.


Maggie Walker Fine Arts Department had a successful trip to New York City during Spring Break 2018!

The Fine Arts Department at Maggie Walker had an amazing art-venture in New York City over Spring Break. This trip, which takes place once every four years, introduces our students to the world-class cultural institutions unique to New York City. Despite the cold weather, students toured the Met, Guggenheim, and MOMA and enjoyed some authentic New York cuisine! Thanks to the Governor’s School Foundation and the Visual Arts Boosters for their financial support of this unique student experience. -Jeff Hall